Bank Transfer:

NetKamp Solutions Bank Details – Current Account

Account Name NetKamp Solutions
Account Number 42065816862
IFSC Code SBIN0018672
Bank Name State Bank of India
Branch Soma Talav, Vadodara
City Vadodara, Gujarat

Cheque Payments

Send by courier Make cheque in favor or “NetKamp Solutions” and send it to our registered address mentioned on our contact page.
Cheque deposit Make cheque in favor or “NetKamp Solutions” and deposite in any State Bank of India branch with above bank details.
Write down our and your contact number behind the cheque.
Send cheque deposit photo to us via email.

Pay via UPI:

UPI Scanner

UPI Details

UPI ID netkamp@upi
UPI Mobile Number 8000908090
You can pay via any UPI scanner e.g. GooglePay, PhonePe, BhimPay etc.
Make sure to verify name & number while making UPI payments.